The Whole World Stood Still

What if the whole world stood still when I play on? Would I be happy, perplexed, or scared?

What if the sound of rescue broke the sound of silence but then subdued by the sound of silence when I play on? Was I playing for anything or anyone?

If the whole world stood still when I play on, I would be happy because the music I play on piano is being listened. But, I would be perplexed because I always wonder if I was really playing music on the piano or I was just randomly hitting the keys on the piano. Actually, I would be scared because I could not know it was me who is playing the piano.

The sound of rescue broke the sound of silence, then returned to the sound of silence when I play on, I was playing for thoughts and for me.

And hopefully I am always playing for anyone who is willing to listen and understands that I mean well to bring good nature in the music I play on the piano.