A: How do you know a person is a genuinely good nature person?
B: I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, am I a good person?
A: You don’t smoke and drink because you wanted to stay healthy, for yourself.
C: I help out my friends with money that they need, would that make me a good person?
A: That just means you are helpful amongst your friends.
D: I volunteer for the rescue mission anywhere natural disaster has taken place, I am a good person.
A: You are thankful that you are in support of humanity.
E: I am a good policeman, I fight crimes and protect the people from criminals.
A: You are doing a good job of being a good policeman.
F: So, why don’t you tell us who is a genuinely good nature people?
A: If one finds the truth of good nature in one’s heart, one has found how to be a genuinely good nature person.